
Posts Tagged ‘Frimley Park’

By SI Kimberley Williams, Broughton Detachment, 6 (Quebec) Company, GMACF

6 (Quebec) Company is four Skill at Arms (SAA) Instructors stronger this year after two successful courses in January and February.

In January, SI Wayne Williams and SI Kimberley Williams made the journey down to the hallowed ground that is Frimley Park Cadet Training Centre and returned home proudly clutching their certificates that declared them SAA instructors.

This success was quickly copied by SI Chris Dempster and SI Ryan Gemmell. Just in case this was not enough, SI Paul Edisbury from 3 (Somme) Company was also successful on the February course.

SI Ryan Gemmell , a former Master Cadet and Cadet Company Sergeant Major, excelled on his course and impressed the instructors so much that he has been asked back to assist on future SAA courses and Cadet Leadership courses.

The SAA course is highly recommended for all CFAVs; although challenging it is attainable by all. Go for it, nothing beats the feeling of being pushed to your limit, completely out of your comfort zone and then pushing on to success.


Do you have what it takes to serve with GMACF, either as an Adult Volunteer or as a Cadet? Are you looking for an opportunity to work hard and develop new skills? If so, why not contact GMACF County HQ on 01204 512600.


Greater Manchester Army Cadet Force can also be found in other locations on the Internet 

… at our official ACF Web Page at:


… on Facebook at:


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By Second Lieutenant Emma Hodgin, 4 (Korea) Company, GMACF

The ALM course is the Adult Leadership and Management course which is aimed at SI’s and 2Lt’s, looking at taking post within a detachment as a detachment commander.

I didn’t really know what to expect but after arriving at Frimley Park Cadet Training Centre and being given my seat, which was the place for which I was to remain in over the next five days, we were introduced to the Directing Staff (DS) and the CTC permanent staff and informed of their expectations for the week.

Sunday evening consisted of us carrying out ice breakers to enable us to get to know our squads better and spend time getting to know each other.

The week consisted of instruction on how to run a detachment, carry out the necessary paperwork and also included breifings by the head of RFCA (the Reserve Forces and Cadets Association) and CVQO (the Cadet Vocational Qualification Organisation).

The assessment phase consisted of:

  • Planning a training programme for our detachment, taking into account the constraints outlined to us by the DS.
  • Writing admin letters
  • Planning a detachment training event.

We were also given a written test which confirmed everything we had learnt over the weekend.

The experience was very different, and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. At meal times we received silver service and the food was amazing!

The week concluded with a dinner night and a charity auction of all sorts of items of kit, badges and pamphlets.  This was to raise money for one of Frimley Park’s staff who has a grandson who unfortunately requires an operation in the USA. The group were extremely generous and we managed to raise over £1000.

The course has given me a greater insight into being a detachment commander within the ACF and helped me to become a better member of staff, able to carry out the relevant paperwork and to plan events for the detachment.

After a very enjoyable week at Frimley, I was then asked if I would like to go back to Frimley Park and become part of the DS team on the Cadet Courses and also on the ALM. I have already signed up to go back and be part of the team running the Cadet Leadership Course at Longmoor training camp in July.

I would definitely recommend a Frimley Park course to those who are able to attend one, even if it’s just to experience the place itself. It is also provides an opportunity to meet other Adult Volunteers from all over the UK who are part of the organisation.

Overall, a very successful and enjoyable week and I am very much looking forward to going back and being part of the DS team.


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Do you have what it takes to serve with GMACF, either as an Adult Volunteer or as a Cadet? Are you looking for an opportunity to work hard and develop new skills? If so, why not contact GMACF County HQ on 01204 512600.


Greater Manchester Army Cadet Force can also be found in other locations on the Internet 

… at our (re-furbished) official ACF Web Page at:


… on Facebook at:


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